This highly visible and politically sensitive project was necessitated by the redevelopment of Mountain Shadows Resort in the town of Paradise Valley. The design transformed 56th Street from an unexciting stretch of 2-lane Collector Street to a vibrant Visually Significant Corridor (VSC) that conveyed a sense of place. It included street calming features, included creative elements such as; multi-use path with pedestrian sit down sanctuaries, art work, meandering geometry, landscaped median, etc., and provided connectivity from the Sanctuary Resort through Mountain Shadows to the El Charro Restaurant. The project accomplished these objectives without interfering with the natural aesthetic that the roadway shares with the north face of Camelback Mountains and its Silhouette of the Praying Monk or Mummy Mountain to the North. This project was delivered using a Construction Management at Risk (CMAR) method. Elements of work included geotechnical, materials testing, field inspection, verification of design elements, surveying, utility coordination and relocation, drainage, roadway plan and profile, signing, marking, wayfinding signage, signal modification, landscaping, sidewalk, multipurpose path and art features, public outreach, and limited post design services. This project was completed on schedule and within budget.


  • The Crestcordia Award Arizona Forward’s Environmental Excellence Award for Healthy Communities, Multimodal Transportation & Connectivity
  • ACEC Engineering Excellence 2015 Honor Award
  • APWA Project of the Year Award 2016
  • 2015 Build Arizona Winners | Arizona Chapter Associated General Contractors – Achen Gardner Construction, LLC wins Public – Reconstruction (Metro) Municipal Utilities – CMAR for Projects Under $10 Million